They're Here You Know

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  • Steve Pricone

  • Young Adult
  • Paperback ISBN 10: 1-938888-25-1 | ISBN 13: 978-1-938888-25-0

  • Paperback ($11.95): Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository (free shipping), Amazon
  • eBook ($4.95): Kindle
  • To purchase the paperback directly from Divertir Publishing:

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"Hop in the back!" Caden anxiously directed.

We followed her order and got in. She was dressed in black pajamas with eye black under her eyes and black driving gloves. Atop her head was a black beret.

"What are you doing driving a car?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, you're only fifteen," I added.

"It's my mom's car."

"You stole a car from your mom?" he squealed.

"Shush! I didn't steal it. I borrowed it. It's like a pet—it's a member of the family. Anyway, she's out playing bingo. The car was lonely."

Annie is fourteen-year-old girl who all her young life has believed firmly in the laws and principles of science…at the cost of Santa Claus and Tooth Fairies. If it wasn't measurable it didn't exist. But the death of her father and the aging of her beloved grandmother sends Annie on a quest to prove the existence of the paranormal, specifically ghosts, and thus an eternal soul. Needless to say, there are many dead ends and frauds in her quest.

Will Annie’s Goth friend Caden hold the answer to Annie’s quest for the supernatural, or does the a haunted nursing home that has become her grandmother’s residence as her Nonna is slowly enveloped by the shadow of Alzheimer’s disease hold the key? Can science prove the existence of the unknown and that they’re here, or will it take a little faith…