
  • Improbable Cause: The War on Terror's Assault on the Bill of Rights
  • Nonfiction/Constitutional Rights

  • by Sharia Mayfield and Brandon Mayfield
  • Paperback: $14.95, eBook: $6.95

  • Brandon Mayfield, a Portland resident and Muslim lawyer, is unexpectedly arrested on May 6, 2004, in connection to the March 11 Madrid train bombings that took the lives of nearly 200 people. In a gripping true account of one of the U.S. government’s biggest blunders in the “War on Terror,” the Mayfields invite you into the secretive world of espionage, faulty forensics, and wrongful accusations.

    A portion of the proceeds for this book will be donated to the Oregon Innocence Project.

  • Repeat Offenders
  • Nonfiction/Social Commentary

  • by Bill Bonvie
  • Paperback: $14.95, eBook: $6.95

  • Warning: Many of this book’s contents previously offended certain people when they were first published on the op-ed and commentary pages of various newspapers, and may still pose a threat to cherished credos and deeply entrenched beliefs. Just keep in mind that these dissertations are still every bit as dangerous to various dogmas and delusions as they were when they first appeared in print – and are fully capable of off ending again.